

The Padrinos del amaZOOnico have an account for donations in Switzerland and Germany. The German account makes donations to the rainforest school and the association for the protection of the rainforest. Please note the designated use.


We welcome all donations and guarantee that the money is allocated appropriately.

  • Switzerland:

Postchekkonto Padrinos del amaZOOnico in 8032 Zurich.
Account Nr. 85-671667-6
IBAN CH26 0900 0000 8567 1667 6

  • Germany:

Account Padrinos del amaZOOnico, Zurich
Sparkasse Hochrhein, Waldshut-Tiengen
BLZ 68452290;
account number: 77052421
IBAN DE16 6845 2290 0077 0524 21